
Summer is here!!!

Wow summer is here and I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday weekend!! I had a busy one and a lot of things have been happening with me and modeling. This is the season of new and I have a lot of new things happen over the weekend!! I am working with Jim Jurica on his new Workshop!! I had a new feature come out on Glammodelz and a new partnership as one of The Model Closet Girls. I am very excited about all of these new opportunities and can't thank everyone involved enough. I am excited because more and more people connected with the modeling industry are providing opportunities based on abilities and not height. AWESOME news for all of us petite girls.  It is truly an exciting time because.....Petite Girls Rock!!!!

Check out the mention links for more details and information




1 comment:

  1. Congrats on all the good things coming your way. I don't know any other model who has worked as hard as you have to get where you're going. :)
