
Happy New Year!!!!

As many of you know I am not much for looking backwards except to learn from past experiences. I am not taking this time to review what we all know other than to thank everyone who has been in my life and continues to support my journey.  You are all very important to me in the past and in the future. So thanks for everything you did and continued to do!!

I choose always to look forward!! I can't tell you how excited I am to greet another new year full of promise and hope. I have my plans in place and it is action time!! I hope everyone has a Happy Healthy and Prosperous new year!! Dare to dream and dare to work your dream!! Never underestimate the power one person has to effect the world positively and always remember that.......Petite Girls Rock!!!!!!


It is That Time of Year


 It is the time of year that I think about all of the wonderful blessing that have happened during the past year. This year has been just full of wonderful things. I am truly blessed and honored to have had so many opportunities to work with so many talented people. I appreciate each and every one of you more than I can express in words.  It has been an amazing year!! I also am so blessed to have so many people supporting me everywhere. Thanks for all of the nice notes, comments, message and support from everywhere. You all are amazing and have made my year!! I Hope everyone is having the Best Holiday season ever. I wish everyone Peace, love, hope and health. Stay tuned for 2012 It is going to be outstanding!!  It is with your support that..... Petite Girls Rocks !!!!!


Don't let those Holiday pounds creep into the New Year!!

During the holiday's we all eat more than normal and we all eat things that tend to pack on the pounds. I think it is because we are all running around shopping and attending parties and just put things into our mouth to get rid or our hunger. It is also when we are exposed to our traditional foods that we look forward to this time of year. I say enjoy everything in moderation. I am not one to deprive myself of the things that I look forward to, I just don't indulge every meal of every day. I know we have all heard this but I have found if I tell my self I can have anything I want, I just can't have everything I want, it helps me really determine what is most important to me . Once I make that determination I enjoy and don't feel guilty. I think guilt leads to self destructive behavior and over eating. I also try and get in some exercise everyday. Exercising everyday helps burn the extra calories that we are consuming and it helps rev up our metabolism for the future!! My workout consists of Aerobics everyday and weight lifting twice a week. I try and mix up the activity not to get bored and I love the Sexercise Tape that helps with both muscle building and aerobics all in one!! So Eat in moderation and enjoy your holiday gathering and stay in control with smart decisions and  exercise!! We will all greet the New Year leaner and healthier and ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that will come. Keep your ultimate goals in mind and remember.....Petite Girls Rock!!!!!!!


Enjoying the Holiday Season!!

The Holiday season is in full swing and and for many of us it is a time of reflection and remembering the seasons of past. In this busy season we all need to take time out for ourselves so that when the world starts to pull us into many different directions we are physically and emotionally ready for what the world has to offer. I try and make sure to always get my workouts in for many reasons but mostly because it gives me energy and endorphins that keeps me going strong and positive. I know that it isn't always easy to do during this busy time but if you do it you will have much more energy to handle the craziness of the season. In addition to working out it might be time to re-evaluate your dietary needs and look to keep them more balance in these unbalanced times. Some tricks I have learned is to look for the fresh fruits and vegetables at the parties and to exchange club soda for champagne just some small changes will leave you with lots of energy that last the whole season!!.

It is also a time that we spend time with friends and family. Enjoy them. They are the backbone of your life and they need to be put first on your list during this time of year.  Frequently friends and family get pushed to the back burner during the everyday bustle. I find that spending time with them during the holiday's  keeps me grounded  and focused on what really is important in life! It is a joyous time, but crazy and sometimes we loose track of what and who we are.  Don't loose track of the simple things and the more complex things won't overwhelm you.  Keep strong and fit so that you can always show the world that you rock and.....Petite Girls Rock!!!!