
Breaking Through

As a petite model it is sometimes hard to secure work with designers as most of them have a height requirement that excludes petites. Recently I have had the opportunity to work with open minded companies and I want to send them out a big "Your Rock" for not being closed minded. Thank you West Coast Leather and Hot Miami Styles. I am also in a competition to be The Face of Variani. Help me win this so that they too can have a petite representing them. I know the company is open minded as well and wouldn't it be awesome!! One by one we will get more and more companies to recognize that we are the majority and it makes good business sense to design with the Petite women in mind!!

If you would like to cast your vote for the Face of Variani follow this link



  1. two words... selma hayek... :)

  2. Hey, I'm diggin' the banner photo. :) Nice blog you've started Jax.
