
Staying on track on the road

January has been the month for travel for me! I love to travel but as with everything it comes with some challenges. On the road you have to more focused than ever and more organized. I find that the first steps of organization come when you pack for your trip. I try and stage what I need for every appointment/shoot and pack them in order. So that your not digging through everything for every shoot. I also make sure to bring a small bag with me to carry things for each appointment so that your not lugging everything to every appointment!. This all takes some planning but I find it to work out well. Understanding completely the expectations of each shoot helps tremendously in and out of town but is imperative when traveling!

Another challenge on the road is food. Sitting in airports doesn't always provide the best food options. I always pack protein bars with me and have them with me always. They have saved me many, many times. When you do have time to eat try and load up on veggies and lean protein that will sustain your energy.  Since it isn't always possible to eat multiple balanced meals everyday on the road make sure the meals you do eat are full of healthy nutrients that will stay with you. This isn't the time for fast food and junk. I know that sometimes it is seems easier to just grab something however it will leave you even more exhausted and vulnerable to sallow complexion and and illness.

Staying healthy is sometimes difficult stuck on planes with hacking passengers. Scheduling in regular exercise while traveling and regular sleep helps keep you strong and able to fight off illness from people in close quarters. I know we all do this when we are home but it is more important than ever to do it while away. It is tempting to take your spare time to be a tourist but when your traveling for work you need to keep in mind what your job is and schedule yourself accordingly. Giving your self every chance for a healthy and productive trip. Keep strong, keep healthy and remember.......Petite Girls Rock!!!!!

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