
Heading into the Holiday Season!!

Turkey day is almost here and the eating frenzy we all call the holiday season is about to start. I thought it was a great time to post some friendly reminders that will help you enjoy your times while staying shoot ready at all times....

First take a moment and look at your normal eating habits and exercise routines. This time of year scheduling a little extra time in the gym helps to off set that piece of pumpkin pie!! After you know what is normal for you you might want to substitue some healthier ever day choices saving those calories for something special during the season some of the things I do is below

  • I try and eat six small meals always incorporating protein with my carbs to keep me full longer. 
  • Remember to always drink plenty of water and stay away from artificial sweeteners
  • keep snacks handy so when you are hungry you have something with you (almonds work really well)
  • Make working out a priority.. I schedule it on my daily plan to make sure I get it in.
  • Choose lower calorie alcoholic beverages like vodka and club soda or Champagne (dry) or maybe just plain club soda for every other drink!!

Following these simple steps will help keep you ready for the added jobs that always come in and it will also keep your energy up for the added fun during this time. Save you splurges for things that you truly don't eat any other time of the year!! You will be happy you did..

Stay happy and healthy and with a little attention during this time of year you will stay ready and fit for the new year showing the world that.....Petite Girls Rock!!!!!

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