
Spring is around the corner

Winter is almost over and spring is around the corner. I love spring with all the new clothing and colors. This season it is bright and happy!! A perfect combination for the season as far as I am concerned!! The days are getting longer and more sunshine is always a good thing. It makes a huge difference in my feeling of well being and I can't help be notice optimism in everyone else.

Spring, the rebirth of our plants and our spirits. As everything starts to come alive it is a great time to take stock in our self too! Spring when all is new and fresh! What will be your new and fresh start? It is a great time to re-look at your plans and goals and adjust them. In my career it means new projects and films and it also means getting to work more on location!! I always look forward to that after spending so much time in the winter inside!!

Spring.. Push forward and come alive and show the world that......Petite Girls Rock!!!!


  1. Though it's rainy and snowy this morning, you are always a wonderful source of sunshine!

  2. Yay for working outside on location! I agree with you 100%! After spending so many weeks indoors I'm ready for some spring shooting! Woo hoo! :)
